Mission Statement
Soo Lake Association Clothing is available to purchase online and will be delivered to the address you provide. Follow the link below to view our catalog.
Fishing, Hunting, ATV trails. Snowmobile Trails great place to vacation, live or retire.
Good morning “Soo Lakers”,
It looks like the snowmobile season may be winding down, but there are still other things to do around the lake.
I have attached the information for the Peske Pike fishing tournament that is happening this coming weekend on Soo Lake. Good luck catching those northerns!!!
I also received a notice of an upcoming seminar hosted by the Walleyes for Tomorrow. The information for this free seminar is also attached.
I hope you are enjoying the winter season and it’s almost time to think spring.
Tom Frane, President
Soo Lake United Association
Tom Frane, President 715-571-1058 hunterman@pctcnet.net
Jon Pederson, Vice President joncheripederson@gmail.com
Shawn Meyer soolakesecretary@gmail.com. 715-383-4363
Wayne Steen, Treasurer 715-332-5317 wandjsteen@yahoo.com
Diane Albright pdalbright@pctcnet.net 715-332-5459
Stan Gruszka 715-332-5102 stangruszka@yahoo.com
Randy (RJ) Johnson 715-332-5619 loggers71@charter.net
Laurie Hansen lshansen3@hotmail.com 608-514-3915
Darlene Kunze dkunze2009@hotmail.com 715-223-2043
Bruce Joos 715 332 5347
Karren Briggs 715 332 5653
Contact mikez701@hotmail.com with website suggestions